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The Nook - Streets of days gone by

Markfield Local History Group

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

The Nook is situated in the heart of old Markfield, leading from Main Street near the old rectory. This is the map from 1883.

The houses fronting The Nook are still there. The houses to the West are not more, replaced by the more recent housing estate .

The footpath Westwards from The Nook remains, although now follows a dog-leg shape and connects to the newer Rectory Road.

The postcard below is of 'Old Cottages (inhabited) Markfield'. This is actually of the Nook, as shown by the 2018 photo below.

Looking at this 2018 picture, it appears that the end house has been extended to the line of the stone wall in the old picture, so that the side of the house now directly abuts the road. The chimney still seems to be in its original place, now in the middle of the extended house. The first door in the old photo is no longer visible, a side opening entrance now taking its place. The next doors down have gone, as the houses have merged. The thatch has also gone, however the roof lines and chimneys are still visible. The houses to the rear in the old picture have been replaced by more modern buildings.

The final picture below shows the rectory as was in the early 1900s, on the corner of the Nook and Main Street. Built in 1770, it was probably a Master Hosier's house with the workshop to the side. It was then used as a school, before becoming the rectory in 1847 until being replaced as the rectory by a new building a few doors down the Nook in 1960. It is very similar to the Master Hosier's House on Darker Street in Leicester.

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